The Garifuna Journey
Title: The Garifuna Journey
Director: Andrea E. Leland and Kathy L. Berger
Year: 1998
Country: Belize and the United States
Runtime: 46′
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Genocide, exile, and persecution could not extinguish the resilient spirit of the Garifuna people. Descended from African and Carib-Indian ancestors, the Garifuna fiercely defended their homeland on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent. Their resistance to slavery led to their forced exile by the British in 1797, who relocated them from St. Vincent to Roatan in Honduras. Despite the hardships of exile and diaspora, their vibrant culture endures today – a remarkable story that deserves recognition in the history of the African Diaspora.
This documentary, told through the voices of the Garifuna themselves, explores their rich history, language, cuisine, music, dance, and spirituality. It celebrates their culture through captivating scenes of fishing, cooking, dancing, preparing cassava, thatching a temple, and engaging in spiritual rituals, all of which highlight their deep connection to their Carib-African heritage. A collaborative effort between Garifuna tradition bearers and filmmakers, this unique insider-outsider project captures the indomitable spirit of the Garifuna people. With vivid footage shot entirely in Belize, the documentary celebrates the survival and continuity of Garifuna culture against incredible odds.
Yard Vibes
This film is part of YardVibes, a streaming platform for content from independent African and Caribbean makers. The platform offers many titles for rent, from feature films and web series to documentaries and short films, with new content added each month. All titles can be rented individually for a modest fee, which will largely benefit the makers. You can find the complete YardVibes film streaming catalogue at